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Permit to Carry

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are the instructors?

Josie & Matthew Johnson - with 35 years of combined law enforcement experience, instructors for handgun, shotgun, and carbine courses. 


What topics are covered during the Permit to Carry Course?

  1. Handgun Responsibility

  2. Understanding MN State Statute 624.714 (Permit to Carry)

  3. Understanding MN State Statute 609.065 (Justifiable Take of Life)

  4. Psychological and Physiological Effects of a Violet Threat Encounter

  5. Firearms Safety Rules

  6. Choosing a Handgun

  7. Ammunition

  8. Mechanics of Firearm Use

  9. Principles of Handgun Shooting

  10. Clearing Stoppages

  11. Weapon Retention Drills

  12. Care and Cleaning

  13. Situational Awareness

  14. Things to Consider (Tips From Our Advance Courses)

  15. Range Safety

Who can attend a Permit to Carry Course?

  • Anyone that is 20 years of age or older.

  • A resident of any state.

What is not allowed?

  • Any firearms brought to the class we deem unsafe will not be used.  (Mechanical issues)

  • Anyone that is under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances.


Do I need firearms experience prior to Permit to Carry course?

No, our course is designed to teach you everything needed for safe and proficient handgun use.

What should I wear?

Dress appropriate for the weather forecast the day of your course.  The majority of the course takes place inside and we do not cancel courses because of weather conditions.

How do I get my permit to carry after the course?

After successfully completing the course you will receive a certificate of completion.  For a Minnesota resident you will fill out an application in the county you reside, present a valid state identification, pay the application fee (varies by county) and provide a copy of your certificate in person.  You will receive you permit within 30 days (from our experience most agencies will have it to you within 2 week).  Out of state residents can apply for a non-resident permit to carry in any Minnesota county.  You can also use your certificate to apply for a non-resident permit in several other states. (Forms are downloadable under the Sales> Forms menu of our page.)

Is my permit good only in Minnesota?

No, Minnesota has reciprocity with several other states.  This is discussed in more detail during your class.

Do I have to carry the gun I qualify with the day of the class after I have my permit?

No, after receiving your permit to carry you choose what firearm(s) you intend to carry.

It's important that you can safely and efficiently operate any firearm you have in your possession.

Can someone under the age of 20 take the Permit to Carry Course?

Yes, we do allow individuals over the age of 18 to attend if they have another family member also attending.  This allows them to learn the same material and become safe and proficient shooting together.  Those under 20 will not be issued a certificate after the course, however, they are able to attend one of our courses after they turn 20, free of charge, and they will receive their certificate at that time.

Can you do a course at our location?

Yes, we are completely mobile.  If you have the proper space, resources (electricity, Wi-Fi/cellular), and a safe location to shoot we can setup a course.  Additional costs may apply.

How long do I have to apply for my permit after successfully completing your course?

You must apply for your permit within one (1) year of successfully completing your course in Minnesota.

What should I expect for the qualification shoot?

Expect to have fun.  We have each student shoot individually with one instructor.  The shooting course is designed to be practical, informative and safe.

Do you do night courses?

Yes, we have set up courses that the shooting portion will take place in the dark.  These courses have an inherited added level of difficulty.  We like to say if you practice when it is snowing, windy, cold and dark, every other time you shoot will seem easy.

What if I have questions?

Our classroom portion of the course is very interactive and we encourage you to ask questions.  If you have questions after your course we are available to answer them and commonly receive questions from people that have taken one of our courses from years prior.  We enjoy the relationships we build with our clients and adapt our training to the feedback we receive.

Can I take the course if I'm pregnant?

If your doctor has no concerns with you participating you are welcome to attend.

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